Deborah Oyine Aluh

João Monjardino Prize 2023 Award ceremony

The Francisco Pulido Valente Foundation will hold, on May 16th, in the afternoon, at the facilities of NOVA Medical School (Auditório Machado Macedo), the ceremony to award the João Monjardino Prize 2023

Holmen conference, Oslo, Norway

Holmenkonferansen Slemmestadvegen 64, 1394 Nesbru, Oslo, Norway

Holmen conference, May 23rd & 24th, 2024, Oslo, Norway. Invited Speaker: Global Perspectives of Coercion in Mental Health Care: Insights from Nigeria.  

Summer Training “Unlocking knowledge, experience, and good practice in inclusive mentoring”. July 8-11, 2024. Bilbao, Spain.

University of Deusto , Spain

  In response to the growing popularity of career mentoring programs for women in academia and research and innovation, the VOICES Summer Training event 2024 aims to bring together a diverse community to share insights, experiences, and best practices in Inclusive Mentoring. Dr. Marta Warat, Dr. María López Belloso and Dr. Ola Thomson (WG1) will host […]