Deborah Oyine Aluh
I have a background in pharmacy, specializing in clinical pharmacy, and I hold a master's degree in this field. I have recently completed my PhD at the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health. My PhD research focused on the relationship between mental health and human rights, specifically examining the contextual factors that influence the use of coercive measures in mental health care, using Portugal and Nigeria as case studies for developed and developing countries, respectively.

New textbook alert!

Book Chapters

  1. Aluh DO, de Almeida JMC, Richter D, Whittington R. (2024). Coercion in Contemporary Mental Health Services: Key Concepts, Historical Development and Contextual Factors. In: Hallett, N., Whittington, R., Richter, D., Eneje, E. (eds) Coercion and Violence in Mental Health Settings. Springer, Cham.

Published Articles


  1. Pedrosa B, Cardoso G, Gonçalves-Pereira M, Grigaitė U, Aluh DO, …. Caldas-de-Almeida J. (2025) Experiences and expectations of residents and professionals of supported accommodations for people with serious mental disorders in Portugal. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol.
  2. GBD 2021 Risk Factors Collaborators*.(2025) Changing life expectancy in European countries 1990–2021: a subanalysis of causes and risk factors from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet Public Health. Ahead of print.
  3. Okoro RN, Aluh DO, Aguiyi-Ikeanyi CN. (2025) A Narrative Review of Menstrual Health Rights in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Advocating for Supportive Policies and Legal Frameworks. J Health Rep Technol. 2025;11(1):e147981.
  4. Grigaitė U, Santos-Dias M, Pedrosa B, Aluh DO, Silva M, Cardoso G, & Caldas-de-Almeida JM. (2025). Responses to the mental health care needs of survivors of intimate partner violence in Portugal: Perspectives of survivors and mental health professionals. Journal of Mental Health, 1–10. 
  5. Aguiyi-Ikeanyi CN, Eze CC, Edordu A, Ugochukwu EJ, Aluh DO….Ukwe CV. (2025) Sexual harassment of undergraduate female pharmacy students in Nigeria; prevalence, experiences, and perception: a cross-sectional study. J APPL RES HIGH EDUC, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  6. Cortes J, Aluh D, Fronteira I, et al. (2024) Sixth wave of global public
    health progress. One Health. Ahead of print.                                                                  


  1. Belayneh Z, Lee DA, Haines TP, Aluh DO, Onu JU, Newton-Howes G, Masters K, Kohn Y, Sin J, Goulet MH, Husum TL, Jelastopulu E, Bakola M, Opgenhaffen T, Gowda GS, Mekuriaw B, De Cuyper K, Muir-Cochrane E, Canteloupe Y, Diviney E, Staggs VS, Petrakis M. (2024) Co-Designing Case Scenarios and Survey Strategies to Examine the Classification and Reporting of Restrictive Care Practices in Adult Mental Health Inpatient Settings: Perspectives From International Stakeholders. Int J Ment Health Nurs.  4. doi: 10.1111/inm.13479. Epub ahead of print.
  2.  Aluh DO,  Agu DI, Igbokwe WJ, Anunwa IG. (2024) Public acceptance of coercive measures in Nigerian mental health care. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2024 Nov 13:207640241296050. doi: 10.1177/00207640241296050. Epub ahead of print.
  3. Aluh DO, Cortes JD. (2024)  Second Victims in Mental Health Care. Journal of Patient Safety.
  4. Aluh DO, Lantta T, Lourenço T, et al. (2024) Legislation and policy for involuntary mental healthcare across countries in the FOSTREN network: rationale, development of mapping survey and protocol. BJPsych Open. 10(5):e154. doi:10.1192/bjo.2024.744
  5. Pedrosa B, Cardoso G, Azeredo-Lopes S, Gonçalves-Pereira M, Aluh DO…..Caldas-de-Almeida (2024). Supported accommodations for people with serious mental disorders: Care pathways and predictors of age of entry and length of stay. Int J Soc Psychiatry.  
  6. Aluh DO, Diaz-Milanes Diego, Silva Manuela, Pedrosa Barbara, Grigaitė U, Almeida CR, Almeida Mousinho MF, Vieira M, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM (2024). Coercion in psychiatry: psychometric validation of the Portuguese Staff Attitudes to Coercion Scale (SACS).Discov Ment Health 4, 27.
  7. Grigaitė U, Klidziūtė G, Aluh DO, Pedrosa B, Santos-Dias M, Silva M, … Caldas-de-Almeida JM (2024). Responding to the needs of survivors of intimate partner violence in Lithuania: perceptions of mental health and social care professionals. Women & Health, 1–14.
  8. Pedrosa B,  Cardoso G, Azeredo-Lopes S, Gonçalves-Pereira M, Aluh DO,……Caldas-de-Almeida JM (2024). Supported Accommodations for People with  serious Mental Disorders: Staff’s Assessment of Work Challenges and Their Impact during COVID-19. Port J Public Health. online first.
  9. Aluh DO, Diaz-Milanes D, Azeredo-Lopes S, Barbosa S, Santos-Dias M, Silva M, Grigaitė U, Pedrosa B, Velosa A, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM. (2024) Coercion in Psychiatry: Exploring the Subjective Experience of Coercion Among Patients in Five Portuguese Psychiatric Departments. J Behav Health Serv Res.
  10. GBD 2021 Risk Factors Collaborators.(2024) Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet.  403(10440):2162-2203. DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(24)00933-4.
  11. GBD 2021 Forecasting Collaborators.(2024) Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet. 403(10440 ) [10.1016/s0140-6736(24)00685-8].
  12. Aluh DO, Aigbogun O, Okoro RN.(2024) Global pharma departure from Nigeria: A threat to public health. The Journal of Medicine Access. 8. doi:10.1177/27550834241256450
  13. GBD 2021 Causes of Death Collaborators*.(2024) Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet; online first
  14. GBD 2021 Fertility and Forecasting Collaborators*.(2024) Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet. online first
  15. Grigaitė U, Azeredo-Lopes S, Cardoso G, Pedrosa B, Aluh DO, Santos-Dias M, et al. (2024) Mental health conditions and utilisation of mental health services by survivors of physical intimate partner violence in Portugal: Results from the WHO world mental health survey. Psychiatry Res. 334:115801. 
  16. Grigaitė U, Azeredo-Lopes S,  Žeimė E,  Slotkus PY,  Heitmayer M, Aluh DO,  Pedrosa B, Silva M,  Santos-Dias M, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM.(2024) Prevalence and acceptability of psychological and/or economic intimate partner violence, and utilization of mental health services by its survivors in Lithuania. Journal of Public Health,  fdae015,
  17. Aluh DO, Azeredo-Lopes S, Pedrosa B, Silva M, Grigaitė U, Martins AR, de Almeida Mousinho MF, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM. (2024) Revisiting the psychometric properties of the McArthur Admission Experience Survey (AES): Validating the Portuguese version using a Bifactor approach. Heliyon. 10 (2) E24114.
  18. Aigbogun O, Aluh DO, Okoro RN et al. (2024). Cross-sectional survey data on the socio-demographic characteristics associated with substance use among internal displaced persons in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Data in Brief 52. 109875


  1. Whittington R, Aluh DO, Caldas-de-Almeida JM (2023). Zero Tolerance for Coercion? Historical, Cultural and Organisational Contexts for Effective Implementation of Coercion-Free Mental Health Services around the World. Healthcare (Basel). 27;11(21):2834.
  2.  Isah A, Aguiyi-Ikeanyi CN, Ekwuofu CAA, Aluh DO, Ukoha-Kalu BO, Adibe MO, Ukwe CV, & Abdullahi AS. (2023). Healthcare professionals’ perceived stigmatization about direct care of COVID-19 Patients: development and validation of the discrimination about COVID-19 (DisCOV-19) instrument. African Health Sciences, 23(4), 75–84.

  3. Aluh DO, Santos-Dias M, Silva M, Pedrosa B, Grigaitė U, Silva RC, de Almeida Mousinho MF, Antunes JP, Remelhe M, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM.(2023) Contextual factors influencing the use of coercive measures in Portuguese mental health care. Int J Law Psychiatry. 90:101918.
  4. Aluh DO, Aigbogun O, Ukoha-Kalu BO, Silva M, Grigaitė U, Pedrosa B, Santos-Dias M, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM.(2023) Beyond Patient Characteristics: A Narrative Review of Contextual Factors Influencing Involuntary Admissions in Mental Health Care. Healthcare (Basel). 9;11(14):1986.
  5. Onu JU, Aluh DO, Ononiwu CN. (2023) Psychosocial aspects of Noma (Cancrum Oris) in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review. Trop Doct. 53(4):470-474.
  6. Aluh DO, Okoro RN &  Aigbogun O (2023). Correlates of substance use and dependence among internally displaced persons in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Journal of Substance Use.
  7. Aluh DO, Onu JU, Caldas-de-Almeida JM. (2023) A new era for mental health care in Nigeria. The Lancet Psychiatry. Online first.
  8. Aluh DO, Ayilara O, Onu JU, Pedrosa B, Silva M, Grigaitė U, Dias M, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM. (2023) Use of coercion in mental healthcare services in Nigeria: Service providers’ perspective. Journal of Mental Health. Feb:1-9.
  9. Aluh DO, Onu JU, Ayilara O, Pedrosa B, Silva M, Grigaitė U, Dias M, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM. (2023) A qualitative integrative analysis of service users’ and service providers’ perspectives on ways to reduce coercion in mental health care. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. Feb 13.
  10. Mosanya AU, Aluh DO, Anosike C, Akunne MO, Anene-Okeke CG, Isah A (2023). Predictors of fertility awareness among selected married women of childbearing age in Nigeria: a cross-sectional survey. Afri Health Sci. 2023;23(3): 79-89.
  11. Sterie A-C, Potthoff S, Erdmann A, Burner-Fritsch IS, Aluh DO, & Schneiders ML (2023). Dimensions of Researcher Vulnerability in Qualitative Health Research and Recommendations for Future Practice. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22.




  1. Aluh DO, Ayilara O, Onu JU, Grigaitė U, Pedrosa B, Santos-Dias M, Cardoso G, Caldas-de-Almeida JM (2022). Experiences and perceptions of coercive practices in mental health care among service users in Nigeria: a qualitative study. Int J Ment Health Syst. 2022 Nov 23;16(1):54.
  2. Aluh DO, Onu JU, Caldas-de-Almeida JM. (2022) Nigeria’s mental health and substance abuse bill 2019: Analysis of its compliance with the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Int J Law Psychiatry. Jul-Aug; 83:101817.
  3. Aluh DO, Aigbogun O. & Anyachebelu OC. (2022) Depression Among Immigrant Nigerians in Canada. J Immigrant Minority Health. J Immigr Minor Health. 25(2):315-323.
  4. Aluh DO, Azeredo-Lopes S, Cardoso G, Pedrosa B, Grigaitė U, Dias M, Xavier M, Caldas-de-Almeida JM (2022). Social anxiety disorder and childhood adversities in Portugal: Findings from the WHO world mental health survey initiative. Psychiatry Res. 2022 Sep; 315:114734
  5. Pedrosa B, Cardoso G, Azeredo-Lopes S, Aluh DO, Grigaitė U, Dias M, Silva M, Caldas de Almeida J. (2022) Experiences of care perceived by users of supported accommodations for people with serious mental disorders: Can they impact quality of life? Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2022 Oct 27:207640221127928.
  6. Aluh DO, Agu DI, Isah A, & Anene-Okeke GC (2022). Prevalence and correlates of burnout among pharmacists in varying areas of practice in Southeast Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 56(1), 56–64.
  7. Aluh DO, Adibe MO, Abba A, Sam-Eze CE and Isah A. (2022). Depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life in patients attending government – owned psychiatric clinics in Nigeria. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 47-55.
  8. Aluh DO, Amorha KC, Anthony-Awi TA (2022). The effect of classroom lectures and a movie recommendation on pharmacy students’ attitudes and social distancing toward people with schizophrenia. The Mental Health Clinician. 12(1):23-31


  1. David J, Aluh DO, Blonner M, Norberg MM (2021). Excessive Object Attachment in Hoarding Disorder: Examining the Role of Interpersonal Functioning. Behav Ther. 2021 Sep;52(5):1226-1236.
  2. Onu J, Orji S, Aluh DO, Onyeka T (2021). Aftermath of COVID-19: Forestalling Irreparable Medical Brain Drain in Sub-Saharan Africa. J. Health Care Poor Underserved;32(4):1742-1751.
  3. Aluh DO, Mosanya AU, Onuoha CL, Anosike C, & Onuigbo EB (2021). An assessment of anxiety towards COVID-19 among Nigerian general population using the Fear of COVID-19 scale. Psychiatry.1:36-4
  4. Aluh DO, Adibe MO (2021) It is Time to Demystify Research and Publishing in Africa’s Undergraduate Pharmacy Education. Strides Dev Med  Educ;18(1):e1052.
  5. Aluh DO, Anyachebelu OC, & Isah A (2020). Depression literacy among people living with HIV/AIDS in a Nigerian tertiary hospital. HIV AIDS Rev. 20 (2), 121-126 (0.16)
  6. Isah A, Adibe MO, Ukwe CV, Okonta JM, Ubaka CM, Aluh DO, Isah A, Ma’aji HU. (2021). Cost-benefit analysis of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services: a contingent valuation study of patients’ preferences from clinical pharmacists’ perspective. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 12(1), 18–23.
  7. Ayogu EE, Aluh DO, & Igboeli NU (2022). Self-medication with antibiotics and anti-malarial drugs among rural dwellers in Enugu State, Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 55(1), 6–12.


  1. Aluh DO & Onu JU (2020). The need for psychosocial support amidst Covid-19 crises in Nigeria. Psychol Trauma. 12 (5):557
  2. Aluh DO, & Norberg MM (2020). Community pharmacists as a resource in task-shifted interventions for depression. The Lancet psychiatry. 7(5): e24.
  3. Anene-Okeke CG, Anosike C, Aluh DO, & Odo LE (2020). Secondary school students’ knowledge, attitude, and practices towards epilepsy in Nsukka City, Enugu State. Epilepsy Behav. 112:107441.
  4. Aluh DO, Abba A, & Afosi AB (2020). Prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety and stress among undergraduate pharmacy students in Nigeria. Pharm. Educ. 20:236-248
  5. Aluh DO & Onu JU (2020). The need for psychosocial support amidst Covid-19 crises in Nigeria. Psychol Trauma. 12 (5):557.
  6. Aluh DO, Anyachebelu CI, & Ajaraonye CI (2020). Comparison of pharmacists’ mental health literacy: Developed versus developing countries. J Am Pharm Assoc. 60(5S): S64-S72.
  7. Isah A, Aluh DO, Abba A, Ogbonna CP, Okpara ME, Abdullahi SA, Igboeli NU, Adibe MO, Nworu CS (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 national lockdown on pharmacy students’ productivity and their coping strategies in a developing country: An online survey in Nigerian universities. Pharm Educ;20(2): p. 249 – 259. 
  8. Anosike C, Aluh DO, Onome OB (2020). Social Distance Towards Mental Illness Among Undergraduate Pharmacy Students in a Nigerian University. East Asian Arch Psychiatry. 30(2):57-62.
  9. Aluh DO, Okonta M and Odili V (2020). A comparative study of depression literacy between pharmacy and non-pharmacy students of a Nigerian university. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 114-124.
  10. Amorha KC, Anyanwu EC, Ayogu EE, Aluh DO (2020). Evaluation Of Drug Therapy Problems Among Hypertensive Patients in a Nigerian Secondary Healthcare Centre. Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy;54(2):39-49.
  11. Okoro RN, Aluh DO, Biambo AA, Hedima EW, & Oluigbo KE (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on pharmacy education: Perspectives of Nigerian undergraduate pharmacy students. Pharmacy Education, 20(2), p. 242 – 248.


  1. Aluh DO, Okoro RN, Zimboh A (2019). The prevalence of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder among internally displaced persons in Maiduguri, Nigeria. J. Public Ment. Health. vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print.
  2. Aluh DO, Okonta MJ, & Odili VU (2019). Cross-sectional survey of mental health literacy among undergraduate students of the University of Nigeria. BMJ Open 9:e028913
  3. Aluh DO, Nworie KM, & Aluh FO (2019). Food safety knowledge and self-reported practices among adolescents in rural secondary schools in Nigeria. Int J Adolesc Med Health. Epub (Ahead of print).
  4. Isah A, Adibe MO, Anosike C, Aluh DO, Onyekwelu P, Okonta JM, & Ukwe CV (2019). Willingness-to-Accept and Willingness-to-Pay Ratios of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Services in a Nigerian Hospital: A Cross-sectional Contingent Valuation Study. Value in health regional issues 19, 112-121
  5. Aluh DO, Adibe MO, & Ekwuofu AA (2019). The effect of classroom lectures on student pharmacists’ knowledge, attitude and practice of breast self-examination. Pharmacy Education, 19(1), p 348–352.
  6. Amorha KC, Madueke JS, Aluh DO, Okonta JM, Ukwe CV (2019). Hospital pharmacists’ roles in promoting asthma self-management: a cross-sectional study in a Nigerian tertiary Hospital. West African Journal of Pharmacy: 30 (1) 22 – 34
  7. Aluh DO, Chukwuobasi T, Mosanya AU (2019). A Cross-Sectional Survey of Social Media Anxiety among Students of University of Nigeria. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 24(1):p 51-56.
  8. Adibe MO, Aluh DO, Ma’aji HU. Anticancer drugs utilization for initiation phase of breast and cervical cancers chemotherapies in a Nigerian tertiary hospital. J Appl Pharm Sci, 2019; 9(03):111–116.


  1. Aluh DO, Anyachebelu OC, Anosike C, Anizoba EL. Mental health literacy: what do Nigerian adolescents know about depression? Int J Ment Health Syst. 2018 Feb 16;12:8.
  2. Anene-okeke CG, Isah A, Aluh DO, Ezeme AL. (2018) Knowledge and practice of malaria prevention and management among non-medical students of University of Nigeria Nsukka. Int J Community Med Public Health, 5:461-465
  3. Aluh DO, Dim OF, & Anene-Okeke CG (2018). Mental Health Literacy among Nigerian teachers. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 10(4), e12329
  4. Nworie KM, Aluh DO (2018). Determinants of Diarrhea and Optimal childcare among Under-five children in Nigeria: Insights from the 2013 demographic and health survey. Fam Med Med Sci Res 7 (229), 2.
  5. Nworie KM, Aluh DO, Onyekwum CA (2018). Assessment of premenstrual syndrome among female students in Southeast Nigeria. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecological Investigations. e56
  6. Nworie KM, Aluh DO, Adimegwu J & Dim O (2018). Efficacy and safety of meropnem in the treatment of antimicrobial-resistant post-operative chest infections: a case series. Archives of Medical Science – Aging, 1(1), pp.3-7.


  1. Adibe MO & Aluh DO (2017). Awareness, Knowledge and Attitudes towards Cervical Cancer Amongst HIV-Positive Women Receiving care in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria. J Canc Educ.
  2. Adibe MO, Aluh DO, Isah A, Anosike C (2017). Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Prostate cancer among Male staff of the University of Nigeria. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 18: 1961-66

Research themes

  • Mental health literacy
  • Mental health and human rights
  • Health literacy
  • Pharmacy practice
  • Ethics in practice
  • Qualitative research methods

