I vividly remember my roommate in my second year of university giving me a book titled “I do not come to you by chance” and how I was immediately captivated...
In a world that seems to thrive on self-promotion and social media validation, the question of sharing success stories becomes a delicate balance between inspiration and self-aggrandizement. We often...
I had originally planned to write a science communication blog post about my research article on the Contextual factors influencing the use of coercive measures in Portuguese mental health care...
In a world where labeling people as inherently good or bad may seem oversimplified, the concept of Ezigbo Mmadu holds a fascinating perspective. The Igbo word loosely translates to “good...
It is my first post of the year, so why not embark on a journey of hope? Whether you are longing for a fresh start or seeking solace in uncertain...
The topic of how the teachers you encounter can shape your life, both inside and outside the classroom, has lurked around in my mind for a while. I’ve had...
My journey with academic rejection continues today as my latest paper was just rejected. And so, here I find myself writing about this frustrating topic once again! It’s almost like...
I wasn’t going to write about this yet, but the timing couldn’t be more perfect. A friend just shared their experience of unrequited friendship on the very day I decided...